The future looks good!

Hello viewers, Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life had me pretty busy while also I was improving the main character of the game which is henry. I finally at point now where I can work on the "fun" stuff of the game. There have been some changes made. I have change the title of the game from "Fling Fever" to "Love X Lust". I find "Love X Lust" is more suited for this game. I created some render of the concept of the mood and visual of the game. These pictures are not actual in-game pictures. They are just a reference for visuals and quality of the game I hope to match. I will be sharing some goodies for my patrons who are Tier 1 or Tier 2 members. I also be changing the rewards for Tier 1 and Tier 2 members. As of right now I'm still working on this game alone. If you would like to see this game progress faster and better. Please show your support by becoming a patron. Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more updates!


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