Build 6 Development Update 3.5.2023

Hello friends, 

I have to say I have accumulated quite a following on here but I have not been very active on this platform.  I had no idea, how many views or downloads I would get with this platform.  I will like to thank everyone for following me.

Another reason why I haven't been active is that I like to announce that build 6 (version 0.6.0) is in development.  This is going to be a pretty big update.  My recent updates have not been as exciting.  I look into the areas of my game where it needs the most improvement.  I like to tell you all some of the changes and improvements I am making in Build 6.

I prefer sharing a list of details on some of the changes.

Improvement to Character Models.

  • Improvements to skin, eye, and hair textures, shaders, and models.\
  • New character rig and animation workflow.
  • Adult animations rework and improvements.
  • Character models now have wet skin and tan lines.
  • Improve pubic hair quality.

Character Creation

I just started developing the character creation mode.  You will have the option to play as a male character or female character and of course, customize them to your ideal appearance.

I have added a lot more features of the new update on my Patreon page.  Get the full scoop there.  some of the features I have not mentioned are-  listed below.

- Driving System.

- Additions to dialogue.

- New Sandbox Map or Developer Mode for Tier 3 Patreon members.

- New Areas on the map will be added.

- A justice system.

Thanks for reading.  I'll keep you all posted on the upcoming update.  Full Detailed update to my Tier 2 or higher patrons.  

I will be posting more frequently, have a good day!


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