Love X Lust - Build 7 is released.

Hello friends,

Build 7 is out on Patreon,  I will be adding more links to download the game from other uploaders.  The game now requires a pass key to play.  This game is still in development, so understand there will be issues, crashes, and bugs.

Unfortunately, I ran out of time before the scheduled release and I noticed some issues with gameplay.  I will be creating a hotfix once I figure out how to resolve it and put it up once it's done.

I will be putting up a Linux build tomorrow along with a preview build for free users.

This has been a very tough project for me.  Supporting this project will ease the development of this game by allowing me to hire professional programmers, modelers, and animators for this project.

Thank you for your patience,  I plan on releasing a hotfix and 2 test builds for this month.  Build 8 will be out by the end of the month.


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