News - What's coming to Build 8?

What's Coming To Build 8?

Hello friends,

Hey friends,

A week after the official release of Build 7, I had gotten a lot of praise and also complaints. I was told how much you all love the new AI chat dialogue along with some other stuff, but some Issues were addressed that desperately need attention.

My game works OK on high-end PCs but most mid to low-end PCs have trouble or can't run my game. Even on a high-end PC that frame rate is not that great and takes a lot of memory plus CPU power.

Another thing is poor animation quality. I know I need to spend a lot of time on animations. They just have more life and impact on them. I know when I look at them I don't feel anything looking at these animations.

The main world also needs updated graphics. I have high-quality models alongside low poly or N64 graphic models which don't look good.

So in Build 8, I would like to address this issue. You get a bigger map that looks great and is enjoyable to drive in. The performance is going to be better, I can't promise a 60 frame rate but my goal is to at least 30 in the new main world. The animations will look exciting and hot in Build 8. These are my key changes in Build 8.

The image showcases a preview of the new main world along with 22 NPC roaming around. This was a stress test to see how many NPC I could get on screen. This is much better than what I could do before which was 3 to 4 NPC which was really bad.

I am also testing new AI models to see which one works better. I just changed the AI model I had in Build 7. This new model is already showing signs of faster response and low memory storage.

I am going to be busy with Build 8 for a bit so, there might not be a new dev log for a minute. I hoping to at least get a Test Build out for Tier 3 members in the coming weeks.

I appreciate your support, and I look forward to showing you all a better game with Build 8.

Thank You,




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Will the scene system be the same as XStoryPlayer?

I have never played XStoryPlayer, so I wouldn't know but viewing the screenshots of the game I'd say no, not even close.

i might need a second computer for this game cause woooooooooo boy does it lag

(1 edit)

You do need a high end PC to play, to be honest. I am hoping to fix that in the next update.

thanks, and for what it's worth, the little bit of gameplay i got was impressive