Build 8 is in development.

Hey guys, 

I just wanted to update you all on how the development is going.  I've been away for a minute dealing with stuff in my personal life.  I am still working on the next build for Love X Lust. I just recently posted the first dev log for Build 8 on Patreon.  I'll share a bit of information on the Development Update I posted.  The full information is on Patreon if you want to check it out.

In Build 8,  I am focused on some major issues.  I am working on ways to boost performance, quality, and animations.  I have a whole new map which will be replacing the old one. I also updated the models for better animations and quality.  I also made additions and changes to help with performance on the new level and models.

New Map -

New Models -

Better Animations -

Build 8 will have a lot more animations with better quality.  

Suppose you want to learn more about the development update.  Check Patreon it goes into more detail about the changes in the next build.  These are just some of the key changes I have made so far.  I also talk about what sort of new features, I plan on adding to the game.

It's been a busy week for me, I'm a little work sorry if I didn't go into too much detail.  I hope you all have a good week and thanks for checking out my game!

Thank You,




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i just hope i don't have to deal with lagzilla again, what parts of the game i did see were great

Yeah, one of the concerns from the last build.  It's on top of my list to get fixed in the next build.  The AI chat system is the main culprit for the lag, a new feature introduced in the last build.  I'm looking into more optimized solutions for this.  Thank you for trying out my game.